
My New Daydream

written by Leslie Peralta 30 Dec ’17

Island life. It’s what we dream of while sitting at our desks for hours on end sending emails, taking phone calls, and staring at spreadsheets, only to stand up for the occasional bathroom break or caffeine fix. We come in early, stay late, carry it home – we’re modern-day workhorses. And part of what keeps us going is that maybe – just maybe – there’s a sandy shore with turquoise water, waiting on the horizon. When we’re feeling blue, and in need of a pick-me-up, we pull out our phones or put on our screensavers and voila! The sun is shining, the water is clear, and we say to ourselves, “you’ve got this.”

The small island of Nusa Penida changed my definition of perfection. I fell madly in love with this little piece of tropical paradise, once walking ashore. Coconut trees as far as the eye can see, with little dirt roads and smiling children, chasing chickens and high-fiving you, as you pass through. It’s lush, yet rugged, with magical sceneries, hidden beaches, and some of the friendliest islanders you’ll ever meet. Mass tourism hasn’t hit Penida yet, but I assure you it’s coming, and quickly. I imagine this was the Bali of twenty years ago. So, for those of you fellow sun seeking travelers, looking for beauty with a bit of adventure, remember the name. Just don’t be surprised when the power goes out or you’re taking a cold shower. It only adds to the charm, right?

I spent two lovely nights on the island. Being that it’s the off season for Indonesia, I was warned that the weather can be spotty at best, but I have no complaints. I’ve been treated to sunshine with the occasional cloud cover and a nice breeze, almost daily. At night, the thunderstorms tend to roll in, but they’re gone by morning, so I don’t really mind.

The first day I went for a long walk and chatted it up with the locals to the best of my abilities. The second was spent scouring the island for viewpoints and beaches. The most notable involved navigating some rather sketchy terrain, but what greeted me at the end made melting worthwhile. I was like a little kid for hours on end, playing in the water, writing in the sand, and reapplying sunscreen every twenty-minutes or so. Only instead of a Capri-Sun, I reached for a Bintang.


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