The truth is, I didn’t take her seriously. Not in the slightest. To me, it was never more than a novel idea, and one that she wouldn’t act on. I didn’t believe her when she inquired about flights, visas, or vaccinations. Hell, I didn’t even believe her when she snapped a photo while trying on backpacks at REI. In my mind, there was no way that my sister, Emily Peralta, was going to fly halfway around the world to frolic around a developing island in the Indian Ocean. It didn’t seem real. And in a way, it still doesn’t, even though she’s seated next to me in her Lululemons, drooling on her neck pillow.
I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I had mixed feelings, once she purchased her ticket, just a few weeks ago. On one hand, I was elated, beaming ear-to-ear to have her by my side; on the other, I was slightly concerned, as I feared the expense would outweigh her experience or expectations. My sister has only left the U.S. to vacation in Mexico at 5-star resorts. When I picture her traveling, I see pink luggage, plush cabanas, and pool boys carrying Mai Tai’s – none of which are on the agenda.
Although we both received 23 chromosomes from the same mother and father, we couldn’t be more different. In fact, sometimes I literally stop and ask myself, “Are we related? Is it true?” We see the world through varying lenses, but thankfully, we’ve managed to get along seamlessly throughout the years. Our lives and interests may not run parallel, but we love each other just the same, and I suppose that’s all that matters.
We’re sisters, best friends, and now travel compadres. Let’s hope we stay that way.