In a country of 1.2 billion, it’s hard to imagine that one might feel lonely, but there are moments here, when it’s difficult to feel anything but. Just like everything in life, traveling alone has its positives and negatives. The beauty is that you are far removed from your comfort zone, which is challenging, but strengthening in the long run. When you wake, there is only you to decide where to go, and what to do. Everything rests in your hands. In some ways, that temporary independence is exciting – maybe even inspiring – but it comes at a price, for there is always a trade off.
There are moments when you wish for someone to lean on, to laugh with, or to simply say, “did you see that!?!” And when time passes, and things become hazy, you can help each other fill in the blanks and keep the memories alive.
This time around, traveling holds a new meaning, for I’m no longer searching, reaching, or running. I love my life. I’m simply here to see and experience, and hopefully through that, I’ll grow in some way, and return feeling more in tune with myself and the big, wide world we live in.
After all this time, I finally have the answer to my question: where is home?